A View From Over The Scales

Thursday, October 25, 2007


One of the things I have had to watch out for is the possibility of infection of the wound sites.

For the first week things ere fine but there was always a bit of tenderness over the largest of the incisions.

Yesterday I had to visit the surgeon to get an antibiotic prescription for what was a alight infection of the largest incision and the point where the drain was placed.

For some reason, things got a little more intense yesterday afternoon with the pian levels going pretty high as I stood up. A bit of pain relief helped, and the antibiotics were started.

This morning, I poked at the wound site and started "leaking".. Hmmm, after a bit of "milking" I felt significant relief as some of the pressure that had built up in the wound site had been released.

Yet another of the things to watch out for had been realised. I get the feeling that even though I am vigilant with the hygiene stuff, I am going to be "tested" through this whole thing.

The whole process has an underlying feeling of “piss-offed-ness” that it all cannot go smoothly for me as it has not done, so why the issues all along.. I have always been outside the norm!! I don’t suppose I mind that, but this time it is just bloody uncomfortable.

As I read this back, I am doing the whole self-pity thing… But hell bells, I want to, so I will. It will only last a short time.

Oh well, onwards????



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