A View From Over The Scales

Thursday, March 01, 2007

It's nice when people notice.

I have seen quite a few people in the l;ast week I have not seen for a while, and it is really nice when people notice that I have lost weight and make supportive comments.

It is not all in my imagination at all. Seems I have lost 10 inches of my hips, heaps off my face (now that I have the beard closer cropped it is more noticeable).

I am really itching to move forward onthe surgery as soon as I can.

Sorry for the short note, but time really is of the essence today.




At 02 March, 2007 07:22, Blogger Crazy Cat Lady said...

Rastas, you have lost a heap of weight which is fantastic to see.

Your shape is much improving!

One mutual friend actually wondered aloud if you'd need the surgery given that you seemed to be doing such a great job of losing the weight yourself.

I hope seeing it in writing helps make it more real - it's delightful to see you work so hard to loose weight during this initial stage!

At 30 March, 2007 18:56, Blogger Mister Pervert said...

I'm going to join the crazy cat lady and question the banding -- you really are doing a great job 'naturally' - really!

And you're right about the kick one gets when people notice. That, and those little moments when you're walking somewhere and you 'skip' up a step, as opposed to a previous life where you just kinda amble along. The 'skip moment' is something to look forward to, if you haven't already experienced it ;-)



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